Winter Home Maintenance Checklist: Final of Four Parts

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Winter Home Maintenance Checklist: Final of Four Parts

Winterizing your home ahead of time is essential but responding to issues is even more important. Winter can really wreck havoc on your home, but your wintry home maintenance can prevent issues before they become a serious and expensive problem.

Here are some tips to keep your winter stress-free:

Inspect your pipes. Keeping an eye on the pipes you insulated in the fall will help you avoid a cold, wet basement disaster. If you think your pipes are frozen, turn off the water and carefully thaw them to prevent them from bursting.

Prepare for snow. Get your snow blower, shovels and sidewalk salt out and have them ready to go when the first snowstorm hits (in this case, the second snowstorm).

Prevent ice dams and prep your roof. Heavy snowfall can cause damage to your roof. Take proactive steps to prevent your roof from collapsing due to snow by getting it inspected and ensuring there’s proper ventilation installed. This can help prevent ice dams from forming.

Protect your outdoor furniture. Moving your patio furniture and other outdoor leisure items inside will protect them from the wind, snow, and ice that winter brings. No storage room available? Cover your furniture with plastic tarps and tie them down.

Dec 3, 2020 For Buyers